インタビュー:ニコール・ラグルア Part.2









僕が最も落ち込んでいたときに交際していた人は、まさにネガティブな僕自身を映す鏡のような人でした。いつも頭の中で「ぜんぜん良くないじゃない」と言ってたし、「モデルの仕事なんかできないよ」、 「バカに見えるから、こんな写真を撮らないほうがいいんじゃない」 「面白くないからInstagramに動画を投稿しない方がいいよ」なんて思っていました。僕たちはこのような考え方をやめるべきです。人生でどんな人と付き合ってきたかとか、両親、そして愛する人、あるいは友人や同僚と、選んだ道についての会話でうまくいかない時期はありましたか?













そうなんです。これが僕たちの主となる柱の1つであり、自らの 力で独立するのをサポートしたいんです。ですから僕たちは、生徒たちに僕たちが「こうするべき」などといった方向性を示したくないんです。



















パトリック:僕は「Super fun」という言葉が大好きです。アーティストとして、私は収入をソーシャルメディアのために自分のアートをその枠に合わせる必要があることに懸念しています。ソーシャルメディアがメンタルヘルスの安定性と感情などにどのように有害であるかについては、多くの科学的根拠が出てきています。だから僕はソーシャルメディアをまったく必要としないという考えに帰します。でも、それを利用する方法を考えるのであれば、僕たちからエネルギーを吸い出す代わりに僕たちにエネルギーを与えるようなことを見つけるべきです。どのように、広げるためのツールと有害なドゥームスクローリングのソーシャルメディアとのバランスを取っていますか?



必ずしもスクロールする必要はないのですが、Instagramには新機能が搭載されているので、罠に陥りやすいです。あなたの成長のためにそしてビジネスのために電話を使う。 それから20分後集中力がなくなります。必要なのは自分に厳しくあることです。



ニコール:そうなんですよ。電話にでる必要があるような人なら別ですが、それ以外は、すべてをオフにすることです。私はクリエイティブの分野にいる誰にでもそれを強く進めます。すべての通知をシャットオフにするんです。私は1年半前くらいにそうしました。電話の機能のみ残して全ての通知をオフにしました。 Instagram、Snapchat、WhatsApp、それが何であれです。





















専業主婦だったユダヤ人の女性たちを振り返れば、私たちに疑問の余地はありません。女性には権利はなく、常に家の中にいました。私は、この女性たちが望む可能性を持っている人たちのことを考えています。女性たちを阻んでいたのは社会的圧力です。 これら2つを比較し、この機会のすべてにおけるここでの立ち位置と、自由を持っているこれらすべての選択を考えてみてください。

このような選択肢がなく、その立場にあった過去のすべての人々に正義をもたらします。私はアーティストや起業家になれる時代に生きていることにとても感謝しています。ユダヤ人の子孫の女性として旅行だってできます。 40〜50年前のことなのに、それは少し驚異的です。選択肢があることに感謝します。







Patrick:Before this interview, you had asked a question about the stability of my income and finances.

Nicole:And I was really thinking about that. It’s like getting a new pair of shoes, this is the best way I can describe it. When you’re in a nine to five, you’re on the corporate ladder. Let’s say you go to a shop and you get a new pair of shoes and you’re so excited about these shoes for like a day or two days. Right. Then after that… They’re just your normal shoes, and you lose that high. I think about that whole chase to the next level on the ladder and the next salary raise as the new shoes.

Nicole:You’re only going to be satisfied with it for so long because it’s not actual internal satisfaction. It’s a quick fix, a quick little bit of success and satisfaction. After that, you’re already looking, OK, what’s the next raise? What’s the next step I can take in this corporate scam? Its. Never. Ending. And it’s never fulfilling. Then 60 years go by and you’re like, well, I’m still not satisfied because these rewards don’t do anything.

Patrick:You have a closet full of shoes and nothing to do with them, nowhere to go, and no one to talk to. I liked how you said that you were picky about who you were allowed to be in your circle.

Patrick:And I found when I was really in my darkest moments, one of those people I allowed into my circle was a negative version of myself, I was one of the people, always in the back of my head saying, “you’re not good enough”, “you’re never going to get any modeling jobs.” “You shouldn’t be taking photos like this because you look stupid.” “You shouldn’t be making videos on Instagram because they’re not funny” like all of those nasty little things. We need to learn how to say to those voices, “STOP, thank you for whatever protection you provided. I don’t need this anymore. I’m only here for the new parts of myself that lift me up.” And so could speak a little bit on how you chose who you did and didn’t allow in your life? Did you have any time where you had to have a difficult conversation with either a parent or a loved one or even a friend or a colleague about your chosen path?

Nicole:There was a lot of that. I think the best way to find your circle and the people you want to be around is through trial and error. And with the trial comes the error. There was someone that I became very close with in Israel right when I moved here, we just clicked. It was very comfortable because we were both from New Jersey and our friendship was very what I was used to, you know, from relationships in the past. Then I started meeting people who were interesting to me and inspiring me and leveling me up a little bit. Questioning what I was doing and how I was spending my time. It was always like she was weighing me down. It came to a point where I expressed how I felt about our friendship and why I felt that way. It Was also around the same time that I met my current partner.

Nicole:We’ve been together now for like a year and a half or something like that. He’s a freelance videographer, travel filmmaker, like super fun. And that was also really inspiring me. And I remember just her energy was pulling me down. After I expressed my feelings and they weren’t understood, there was no compromise, I distanced myself. And we’re no longer friends. But I know that was all part of the journey. I think you meet people for specific moments in your life, and that’s OK. Every friend you make doesn’t need to be a lifelong friend, because I do think there’s a lot of pressure on that. And you end up getting yourself into toxic friendships that you don’t need to be in.

Nicole:It’s like “Oh, we’re just going to stop being friends?” “Yeah, we are.”

Patrick:And that’s OK!

Nicole:You have different people for different parts of your life. I believe that.

Patrick:Yeah, especially in Japan, there’s a culture of extreme politeness, there’s a word for it in Japanese, which roughly translates to like, your outer self, your social face, and then your personal face.


Patrick:Because of your social face; you have to be nice to everyone, you have to talk to everyone, you have to pretend to be interested in everyone’s life to be polite. And if you ignore someone, like my friends, my Japanese friends, if I read their messages and don’t have a response then and there, later on, they’ll ask me, is everything OK? Are you mad at me? Or they’ll ask someone else and it’ll get around the office that you’re ignoring them. It’s a whole thing. Like, I’m not a good texter because I just don’t have anything to a lot of the time.

Nicole:Yeah! it’s like social media. People say to me aren’t you a social media manager? Don’t you do a lot of stuff online? I’m like, yeah, and they say so why don’t you respond. I’m like, I mean, I don’t know.

Patrick:You do just have to like kind of like take that first courageous step to say, like, I don’t want to be friends and that’s okay.

Nicole:It’s about respect and respecting yourself, the minute you stop being friends with them you’ll feel it and you’ll feel better. Yeah. It’s like a weight off of me.

Nicole:You outgrow people, also relationships have to change. Like my relationship with my parents since I moved abroad has changed a lot. And that was an adjustment. When I first moved here, I missed them so much. It was difficult for me. I never had been away from the house for more than two weeks at a time or, well, I guess in college. But yeah, I would come home often, I saw them often and I realized that when I came here, the relationship that I was having with, both of my parents was not the healthiest for me.

Patrick:That alone, just the distance, allowed our relationship to transition and change into a much better, healthier relationship. Also a lot of that like parental control, you know, not in the sense of like you need to do this. Like they never told me you have to go back to university or you have to do anything. But you have it in the back of your head that you want to make your parents proud.

Patrick:And I do think the distance was enough where I was able to explore things that maybe I wouldn’t have explored if I was living at home or just, you know, as near to them as I was.

Patrick:Yeah, and that’s one of our main pillars, is like building independence through supported alone time, supported self-sufficiency. So like we don’t want to be telling our students what they should or shouldn’t do.

Nicole:They’re super lucky.

Patrick:Yeah. Yeah, we don’t do that. A lot of parents say you have to do this, this, this, this, this, this, and this. But then you end up just being an 18-year-old toddler, you don’t know how to do anything yourself, or think for yourself.

Nicole:Yes, definitely. And I can see that, you know, in Japan, it’s probably really intense. Like, you know, you have to do this, this, this, this. And I agree with you. You don’t develop skills or mindsets or honestly, the freedom to make decisions. I can see how that can hold back a lot of people. Also, when it comes to big decisions like do I want to live abroad? Do I want to go to university? They’re not even decisions because, you know, someone’s going to tell you what to do.

Patrick:Yeah. So you don’t even get the choice in the end.

Nicole:Yeah. And that’s a little scary.

Patrick:But the thing that taught me how to make these decisions was being an artist, a performance artist. Me and (your sister) Danielle went to High Tech so we were learning theater art, and dance from a high school. I continued with it in college. And I found that all of the ways that I’m building my life right now are all concepts from Theatre. And I was even doing that as a kid, as a hobby. What did you get out of art when you were younger and how did it change as you grew up?

Nicole:Well, it’s a pretty funny story, so I never… Hmmm… I was always super artistic, but I never took art classes outside of school and I never explored that because I was kind of the athlete of the family. So that’s what I did with my free time. And I loved Art class. And my art teachers in school always did extra with me. They always knew I could do more so they always let me do more. I enjoyed that time. Looking back I would miss lunch periods for weeks at a time just to do more on a project because I loved it so much. I never realized that was a passion, you know. I mean, it was just something I was good at. Like on the side, like a hobby.

Nicole:I remember in high school, I was taking a pretty advanced art class. And I was in a close relationship with the teacher because I spent so much time in the studio. And she was like, so what are doing for college? And I was like, Well, I’m going to go to Penn State and probably, I don’t know, maybe econ, I had no idea. And she was like, that’s what you’re going to do?! She was shocked.

Nicole:She said you need to do something in the creative field in arts. Like you have to you’re not doing justice to yourself if you don’t. And I remember being so offended. I remember being, like, super, super offended. So I was like, I am not going to be an artist. I was so against it because the stigma of artists is that you’re struggling and you’re broke. I remember being so upset about it.

Nicole:And I was like, no, I’m going to Penn State and I’m going to study biology. Or like something unrelated. I emailed her a few years later, like recently. Hey, I just want to fill you in on what’s going on with my life.

Patrick:Did you coin this term “artpreneur”

Nicole:No, I was trying to find podcasts one day for artists in business and I found one that was called Artpreneur. It wasn’t a great podcast, but it was a great word. I looked up this name after and I found some stuff online. So I was like, I’m fully embracing and adopting this term because it’s exactly what I am. I have multiple businesses in the art field. I’m a tattoo artist, graphic designer, social media content creator.

Nicole:All of these things, that make me an entrepreneur. I have one of the businesses that I’m launching is like a completely new kind of innovative, hmm, well I’m super excited about it. I can’t talk about it. But you have no idea. That term, gave me this boost of confidence because it’s like, yes, I’m an artist but the entrepreneurship part of that word gives it a little bit of OOMPH, I mean business about my art, you know.

Patrick:Oh, I love that. I find that a lot of people were artists, when they were young and up abandoning it, they let it turned to dust and blow it away. They never realize you can make your passion your career and be happy.

Nicole:Yeah. Yeah, definitely.

Patrick:On that topic, I love the word it’s super fun. As an artist, I have concerns about relying on social media for my income and having to make my art fit the social media frame. There’s a lot of science coming out about how social media can be toxic for mental health stability and emotional intelligence. So I ascribe to the idea that we don’t need social media at all. But if we are going to use it like there are ways to make it useful, it’ll give us energy instead of sucking the energy out of us. How do you balance social media as a tool for thriving versus social media as a toxic time dump of anxiety scrolling?

Nicole:Yeah. So I’m totally with you that we don’t need social media as a society. Whenever I’m traveling or I’m not working, social media is not on the table. Like, I’ll go for a month of traveling and I don’t post. I don’t do anything. I do it all when I get back because I know if I’m on social media it takes me out of the moment. So for me, knowing that I can drop social media at any time, that makes me feel a little bit more at ease.

Nicole:If you told me I had to give up Instagram right now, I’d be like, OK, it’s OK. And now I’m using it more as a tool for my business and wasn’t active on it before. Social media is like a personal account. Like I don’t use it for personal use anymore. It’s strictly business. I think the best way to balance is what I’ve recently been doing, and this helps get rid of the clutter the amount of time you’re using it, is your plan what you want to post and everything for the week, like on one day for an hour or two, and then all you have to do is post it throughout the week. Maybe engage people who are commenting for fifteen minutes after. But you don’t necessarily need to be scrolling. And I think that with Instagram having the new feature of real’s, it is so easy to just fall into the trap. You’re on your phone and you’re doing something for your business, for your growth, and then it’s like twenty minutes later and you’re completely distracted, what’s happened? It’s a strictness that you have to have with yourself.

Nicole:I sometimes go on a break, but I’m consciously taking a break to go on my phone. I think there’s a difference between like you’re supposed to be working and you’re scrolling versus OK, I just worked for a two or three-hour time block so I’m going to have a snack, relax, and get back to work in 15 minutes. That’s OK. But the boundary is it’s difficult because it’s so accessible.

Patrick:With that access, I love how you’re saying you need to plan and time things out a little bit like schedule in breaks, schedule yourself, because if you don’t then you’re going to get lost accidentally. And then you don’t even feel fulfilled and refreshed by it. You feel guilty.

Nicole:Yeah. Yeah, yeah. But, if you’re a person who’s like I need to go on my phone, a little bit then start scheduling breaks during the day where you get to be on it, but other than that, like turn off everything. I highly recommend it to anyone who is in the creative field that’s on their phone a lot. Shut off all notifications. I did this like a year and a half ago. All notifications. The only thing you should be getting is phone calls. Instagram, Snapchat, WhatsApp, whatever it is.

Nicole:No notification! That way you have to consciously go into the app to see what’s happening instead of like every five minutes looking over, looking over, when will I get a notification. Shutting off notifications, I think is the best boundary someone can make.

Patrick:What’s a typical schedule of this kind of work time, break time. Time for myself. Time for traveling. How do you decide when you are in creative mode and when you are in a business mode. What feelings arise?

Nicole:It is difficult to create a schedule like that’s the biggest struggle of being a freelancer, is being honest with yourself. How much can I work? How much will I do? Like, because you think yourself, oh, I’m going to work for three hours, three hours, three hours, and then you only do half of that because it wasn’t sustainable, to begin with. Like the schedule that you made. Being dynamic is the best, best thing that you can do because you don’t have a strict schedule and you can either look at it in one way or the other. One way is, I don’t have a schedule, I’m all over the place, I’m lost. I don’t know what’s happening. I need structure and I don’t have it. Or you can look at it. Then there’s a sense of like, I have the freedom to create my schedule every day.

Nicole:So it’s having that discipline, which I’m learning and I’ve gotten better at. But, of course, needs improvement. OK, so I like to think, when am I the most creative, when am I the most awake. And for me, that’s from like, 10:30- 15:00. That’s my prime hours when, like, I can do something super creative. And then I know again, you know, late at night from like 19:00 to 23:00, I also have good working energy. And the other times I take to schedule in my working out, my making meals, journaling, doing my morning routine, it’s about finding YOUR balance. Everyone’s balance is completely different. Eden’s schedule, who is my boyfriend… Completely different than mine. He can sit for like seven-hour time blocks. I can’t do that. I can sit for like a three-hour time block, especially if it’s on a screen. I know I’m going to want to go outside and take a break after that, but it’s just trial and error. Figuring out and keeping track of what worked like at the end of which days did you feel happy, at the end of the days, did you feel way too exhausted? All of those things you eventually learn and you can create a schedule that works for you.

Patrick:And you have to be brutally honest with yourself because if you’re like, “Well, I’m kind of OK at this time.” You’re going to let yourself down. If you have any doubt about your energy levels then don’t do it. Make your schedule work for you. Make it black and white. I am not working. I am working.

Nicole:Yeah, and I think for a lot of beginner freelancers, it’s really difficult because you’re working from home. You don’t have an office space which then creates this whole thing of like I’m home and I’m guilty for not doing work. I see my computer and I know I have to do things to do and you need to shut that off that like, no, don’t go sit over there at your desk. You’re not working right now. Or you’re trying to watch a movie and, you know your desk is right there with your to-do list. As you said, if you make it black and white, like I am working, I am not working, it relieves a lot of that stress that comes with always being on the clock.

Patrick:On the topic of boundaries, because I found as a creative when I focus too much on getting my paycheck, getting more shoots, getting more gigs. I lose the joy of actually doing the art. How have you found business takes away from the art and how have you found that it enhances the art and vice versa? What is your experience with that kind of creativity as a business?

Nicole:I’m still definitely figuring that out. The best thing that artists can do for themselves is to have a business plan, have steps they know they’re going to be taking at certain increments of time. And have like a little bit of a plan going forward, not like a five-year plan, just the next year. What’s going on? What steps do I want to take forward?

Nicole:And then from there, you create the small weekly tasks that get you to those steps at a pace instead of being like, wow, this week I need to focus on all the business side of the thing. And then you’re super drained creatively or you do a whole week of creative work and then you’re like, oh, I’m so behind on everything. It’s really about having a plan from the start, outlining how you want to get to your goal, where are you going? And then you create small steps of how you’re going to get there.

Nicole:Right now, I’m opening a business. And the two months that have been completed for the stable monetary value. It’s not something I’m fully passionate about, yet it’s still creative. That’s why I was OK with it. It’s still really pushing me creatively. Is it the medium of art that I thought I would be doing? No. But is it art? Yes.

Nicole:And for me, it was a business plan of, I want to be doing work for three to four months out of the year but will sustain me for the whole year. And that was my plan. I work three to four months on this business and then it runs for a whole year and I have passive income for the rest of the month where I can be as creative as I want. I can do whichever kind of art I want to do without the pressure of “It’s for the money” because I get what you’re saying when you are doing jobs for the money, it starts feeling not as genuine.

Nicole:Which is a big point. Finding, the balance between the money jobs and the passion jobs.

Patrick:I’m speechless. It’s so nice and reassuring to hear one of my peers living this life and doing it well.

Nicole:I’m figuring it out as I’m going through it, it’s a journey. Like in the beginning, you’re doing your best to make it up as you go. You’re not supposed to know what you’re doing. That’s a big misconception in being a freelancer, owning your own business. Like you’re supposed to be lost in the beginning. That’s normal. And then eventually as you familiarize yourself with what you do and don’t want to do, the balances you create, the boundaries you create, you learn. I like this career path so much because I’m always going to be learning. There’s never a lull.

Patrick:What are the characteristics of a person you think can accomplish this type of journey? I feel like it’s easy for us to say these things. It’s harder to get other people to believe that they can also do it. What are some, like, general kind of qualities you think someone needs to cultivate to be able to enact their passions?

Nicole:I think it comes down to a desire to reach your full potential. If you have that, if you have that desire to reach your full potential in this life, you can get there because then it’s just making that first decision of I’m committed to reaching my full potential of happiness and of my whole life. I’m going to reach my potential. You make that commitment and it’s an unwavering commitment, and then it happens because you make it happen. If a person is committed to themselves in that way, I think that they really can do anything. Of course, that takes determination, hard work, like all of those typical ideas, you have to have a good work ethic. But it’s that FIRST commitment to yourself that sets you apart from the typical path.

Patrick:You need to be able to choose yourself, because if you don’t choose you why should anyone else. If you’re not your own top choice for a project then why should anyone collaborate with you?

Nicole:Yeah! Yeah! If you make that choice, no matter what your passion is, you will be able to do it.

Patrick:Nikki, thank you so much for taking time today. We’ve reached the point in the interview where I’d like to get your free thoughts. What kind of advice would you give to the young people who are maybe a little bit lost or just starting on this path, and especially to our young women and young women of Jewish descent. To the people, you see yourself reflected in. What do you want to pass on to them?

Nicole:Yes, that question had me thinking about how grateful I am to be alive in the time that I am living in, because in the past, women, as you know, especially Jewish women… A career? No way, I think the number of people that fought for us to have our rights acknowledged, to choose what we want to do and live with complete freedom on that, we’re not doing them justice. If we don’t take advantage of that. And I do think that

Nicole:I look back at women who were the stay at home moms and there was no question. I mean, women did not have rights, they were in the house. And then I think about someone who has all of this opportunity in front of them with any possibility that they want. But what’s holding them back is just the societal pressure. OK, look at those two comparisons and look at the position here in all of this opportunity and all of these choices that you’re allowed to make and have the freedom to make, like, take them, do it.

Nicole:It does justice to all of the people in the past who didn’t have those choices and were in that position. I’m super grateful that I live in a time where I can be an artist and entrepreneur. I can travel and I can do all of this as a woman of Jewish descent. Like it’s a little mind-blowing because, you know, 40- 50 years ago. I think it’s just like a perspective thing, like being grateful that you have choices.

Patrick:I love it so much. Take up space, take the space, and deserve. Is there any last thing we did touch on that you want to see in your interview?

Nicole:I feel like we kind of did a full circle.

Patrick:Awesome. Thank you so much for coming on for an interview.

Nicole:Thank you so much for having me. Let’s do this again sometime!