
その頃には日本人やその習慣に慣れており、日本語も少しだけ話せました。 また、既に日本人のクライアントと一緒に仕事をしていた私にとって、日本人は単純なる“外国人”という存在ではありませんでした。そしてこの経験が私の国際金融としてのキャリアの第一歩となったのです。
さらに言えば、私の知っている日本に暮らす外国人の大半は、日本での生活を本当に楽しんでいます。 「ピザはニューヨークのほうがいい」とか、「劇場はブロードウェイのほうがいい」などと常に比較しないことです。あなたが今暮らしている場所とあなたの本当の家を比較していると、世界のどこにいたとしても、その場所を心から好きになることはできないでしょう。このことを理解することが大切です。
住み慣れた日々の暮らしの中で、ソファに座り、テレビを見て、9時から5時まで働き、帰宅するとまたソファに座ってビールを開けるという日常を送ることはとても楽なことです。その一方で、日本の学生たちの中には海外への関心を持ち、世界が広いということに気づく人もいます。そしてそういった人たちは世界中に友達を作り始め、集中的に言語を学び、新たなキャリアのチャンスやその中で 家庭を築いたりと人生が広がっていきます。
知らないことを経験するというチャンスは、あなた自身が一歩踏み出さない限り訪れません。 慣れ親しんだ日常の外に出なければ、新しい経験をすることはできないのです。留学は、新たな一歩を踏み出すのに最適な機会です。
私と私の妻ジェニファーは、街を歩くのが好きです。東京にいるときは、近所を散歩しバーを 見つけたりしながら、いいなと思えばそこに立ち寄ったりします。また、お店に入ってみると 新しい出合いがあります。時々、電車に乗ってランダムに駅を選びその周辺を歩き回ることがあります。アメリカでも同じです。バスパスやアムトラックパスを取得して、その国を実際に探求するのです。楽しいですが、最初はみんな緊張します。それは当然のことです。でも、好奇心は、きっとあなたをそのような道に導くでしょう。
Interview: Steve Bernstein
Topic: Working Abroad, Studying Abroad, What Qualities Bring Success
This week I had the chance to sit down with Steve Bernstein, an entrepreneur who’s been living around the world, and asked him about how he decided to move abroad and what the experience was like.
If you would introduce yourself and give us the short version of how you ended up living in Hong Kong?
I grew up in Brooklyn, New York. I was about 33 years old, working on Wall Street at Solomon Brothers. I worked at a desk covering Japanese clients who were based in Japan but working abroad in New York City. I said I wanted a bigger job and my bosses came back to me asking if I would move to Japan. I moved t
here in February, 1994 to run a division for Solomon Brothers in finance. So I was already familiar with Japanese people, Japanese customs… I spoke a few words of Japanese, but not too many. It wasn’t completely foreign to me since I was still in the office working with clients but it did start me on an international finance career. So I lived in Japan for a few years. I live in Hong Kong now; moved back to Japan a few years ago so my total time in Japan was about 8 years.
Moving abroad can be filled with a lot of new experiences, and while work life for you was relatively unchanged, how did you adjust to public life and Japanese culture at large?
I used to visit a lot, but when you go on a business trip and you’re living in a hotel, going to the office, going out, the experience is different than living there. The biggest mistake people make is that it’s very easy to only hang out with people you’re familiar with. If you’re Japanese living in New York it’s very easy to only eat at Japanese restaurants and hang out with the Japanese community, which is quite big. Similarly with foreigners living in Japan it’s easy to join the American club and live in the areas popular with Americans and just never interact with the culture, never have to use chopsticks. I think it’s a big mistake. I think it’s kind of sad. For me, every time we moved back to Japan we moved further out from the foreign hotspots to be more ingrained in the culture. If you’re going to go somewhere you’re going to enjoy it much more if you’re interconnected with locals and you’re trying to learn and mimic what they do, instead of just doing what you do back home.
The other thing is, 99.9% of the people I know LOVE living in Japan. The people I’ve found that don’t are the people who constantly compare it: “The pizza is better in New York” or “the theatre is better on Broadway.” If you compare where you’re living to your home, no matter where you are in the world you’re not going to like the place as much. You have to take it for what it is.
You spoke about the passion of Japanese people, and how you can find a thriving community no matter what your interests are. Is this “passion” something you think would be an asset for Japanese students to bring when they study abroad?
Yes, I think it can. I think Japanese students will find that if they’re passionate about something — it can be anything: manga, anime, something Japanese — you’ll find people in America who love it. If you’re into a certain musical instrument, writing, rap, whatever you enjoy as a Japanese individual, Americans are equally as passionate and you will be able to find communities very easily with social media, events, and all of the apps available. Or if you want to find more diverse interests, students may not have specific interests yet, but anywhere you are in America you will be able to find like-minded people.
Did you study finance in university?
Yes, I was in Boston University and I studied finance with a minor in computer science. From freshman year I knew I wanted to work in finance so I geared my path towards that. I worked summer jobs in finance. Mike Bloomberg was actually my first boss. This was before he started the Bloomberg company which specializes in financial analytics.
My older brothers lived a very provincial life. They always lived in Brooklyn, went to college at Syracuse University, but they never really left home, and always stayed domestic. I went to summer camp, my twin went to China for the summer and now he speaks 5 languages. He’s traveled to Thailand and China, now he’s living in Hawaii. I lived in Hong Kong and Japan, we saw how protective our parents were with our older siblings and so my twin and I wanted to spread our wings. Once you do that, you realize how much more you want to keep spreading them. I just spoke to a 22 year old friend, born and raised in Hawaii and now he’s going to the University of Southern California (USC), and he said how the first week he was so homesick, but after that he realized how much of the world he has the opportunity to see and as of now he’s only seen Hawaii and USC. So his whole goal now is to spend more time overseas.
It’s very easy to get in your comfort zone and sit home on the couch, watch TV, go 9-5 to work, come home and open a beer on the couch. But Japanese students find that with an interest to go overseas, their whole world is going to open up. They’re going to make friends globally, they’re going to learn languages faster by immersing themselves. It will open up career opportunities, and marriage opportunities. When I worked in New York our company would have Japanese representatives come over for 2-3 years at a time and none of them ever wanted to go back home. They just loved New York City so much. And it was the other way when I went to Japan. I never wanted to go back home. You don’t know the things you don’t know. If you never go outside your comfort zone, if you never experiment, you never learn anything new. Studying abroad is a great place to start.
Speaking of the Japanese rotation staff at your company, did you find they had trouble adjusting to American culture? What qualities do you think they exhibited that made them successful international workers in America?
They all worked at a foreign firm in Tokyo so, in that way, they were already willing to step outside of the more typical domestic Japanese experience. The first step is knowing that you are willing or want to work and interact with foreigners. The rotation workers were operating on a stock trading floor in New York so it’s loud and bustling, so they didn’t have much time to worry about adjusting to American culture in New York because they were so focused on getting everything right at work. But they have to learn. I remember one Japanese guy who came over with his wife to have dinner; she didn’t speak any english, his was okay. So he tells me he recently found an apartment. He didn’t know that at that time, the area he was moving to was a dangerous place on the outskirts of the city. I told him, you need to move closer to the main city so your wife can go anywhere and be safe and engaged in the city. She needs to be somewhere she can really learn to live in New York. He took my advice and moved to a different area and loved it.
So, the problem he was facing was that he just didn’t know the inner workings of the city. He just didn’t know. Like when I moved to Japan and I didn’t know where to live, I went off recommendations. So in the beginning you have to rely on other people’s experience. But after that comes the fun part, which is discovering the city yourself. Finding things that you like. You know my wife Jennifer and I, we’ll just walk around in certain cities. When we’re in Tokyo we’ll just walk around the neighborhood and see a bar and think, oh this looks cool, let’s go here. Or go into a store and just try and meet new people. Sometimes we’ll just get on a train and pick a random stop to get off at and walk around. So that’s the thing in America, you can get a bus pass or an Amtrak pass, and really explore the country. That’s part of the fun, and everyone’s nervous in the beginning, it’s only natural, but if you have that curiosity inside you, it will take you places.